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BaseKit Raises $7.35M to Further Develop its Website Building Platform

Posted by Web Admin on 03 02 2014.

BaseKit, a website building platform available to customers of Tsohost,Fasthosts, UK2, 123-Reg and other web hosts, has secured £4.5 million (about $7.35 million) in funding from the Angel CoFund, a government-backed investment fund in the UK.

The investment announcement follows the recent launch of the new BaseKit website and the announcement of its 100th partner. According to CEO BaseKit Juan Lobato, the company will use this funding to further develop the BaseKit platform.

“We will also be announcing new capabilities within Editor 7, the first site editor built for the mobile-device age,” Lobato said in a statement.

In an increasingly competitive website builder marketplace, BaseKit’s focus this year will be is on partnering with leading hosting and telecom companies. Through its partners, it is currently deploying 40,000 new subscriptions per month.

Platforms that fuse website building tools and web hosting such as Yola, Weebly and SquareSpace, have made it easier for a small business or individual to have a professional presence. The integration of a service like BaseKit might be what many traditional web hosts need to appeal to this crowd.

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